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April 24, 2005


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A man who can poach an egg? You are a woman blessed.

The bacon looks so bacony! And the strawberries! Well, and everything. You really should do a cookbook. You have the talent and, clearly, the subject matter...

Ah - a wonderful breakfast by a lovely man. I have been lucky enough to partake in the luxury of one of these feasts along with some amazing preserves. What a wonderful experience to share. Hmm - hungry now. Hugs to the both of you.

Oh, nice! I love the soft look of this.

Oh my! Since Chef Husband is already committed on Sunday mornings, do you think I could borrow him on Saturdays? :-D What a beautiful breakfast, and beautifully drawn!

Darling L!

Great to see you back and lovely eggs you have here. I am a fan of poached eggs on toast - such a yummy brekkie.


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