I normally have three greens on my acrylic palette: permanent light green, viridian and pthalo green. These are all pretty garish and would never occur in nature. Today I mixed my four yellows with my four blues to make new greens and then threw my yellows and greens together to make...yellowish greens! So now I have a plenitude, a host, an embarrassment of greens---and just in time, too. The green world is cranking up all around.
More green! Good! I went through a phase in my life when I wore all green, decorated my dorm room in green, thought green thoughts. And then I became a woman -- and went into a violet phase. Later came red and gold, the current phase. But as for green? I will always love the color of youth, new things. And your sketches are wonderful, thank you for sharing them.
Posted by: mireille | April 28, 2005 at 10:43 AM