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June 04, 2005


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I like the whole green scheme you have going on! :-) I too am a fan of green.

Also, that guy in the middle picture is kind of hot.

My first thought was that it was quite a fauvist way of using colour. Not unlike Matisse in that regard!

Thank you, Cindy! No, I did the color there at the diner. Took my travel wc kit and some Niji waterbrushes. And afterwards ate my cold poached eggs and soggy toast.

such a graceful quality to your line, you capture so much in just a few strokes ! The color I assume added later at home ?

Harry and Janey, that is interesting that both of you regularly and consciously include green in your work. I am falling in love with green and that is good, since I'm in the middle of my green 'assignment.' Would be really annoying otherwise!
Big H, good luck on your CLIO ;D.

Very nice quick sketches and the pink really brings out the green. I use green in every quilt I make. There's something about green which makes everything around it come alive.

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