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June 14, 2005


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Wow, L, I never would have guessed that was done on a computer. Beautiful job.

outRAGEous! I'm a little shocked it's not Green. =0)

If i didn't completely stink at computer art, i would try this, so I tip my hat to you young lady!

I love the ceramic bust! What a precocious child you were--putting lipstick on the girl! Thank you for this.

Thanks, everyone, for backing me up here! To answer some questions: I really, really like the program. It is so easy and I think it is a great gateway into the more advanced programs. I already feel much more at home with my Intuos pad and stylus. I used the pencil, marker, watercolor brush and crayon tools for this sketch. I wish the maker of Artrage would do a slightly more advanced one--that would probably be all I'd ever need!

love seeing the two side by side, to see how it was translated, really interesting ! again like your sketchy lines, wouldn't have known it was all computer if you hadn't said and the ceramic piece is a hoot with her upturned face and just her lips colored in, I love it !

Wow. You picked up that very quickly. How did you like the program? I downloaded it but have yet to use it. For someone that says she's not a computer person it lookks like you took to it very well.

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