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August 11, 2005


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Ha! These are great. You look fabulous all hallucinatory like that. And your paints--they look just like the bottle for Ungaro's Apparition.

Harry, I'll do better than bringing the drawing--I'll bring the lips themselves! Heh. Yes, I'll bring it and my blue sketchbook and stuff. We'll draw hard! Amanda, you'll love BCFs--can't wait to see what you come up with! Thanks, P, J and K for stopping by.

Oh Laura, I love these. You're right. They look so much like that 50's style. Great work. I'll have to start joining in. It really looks like fun and a wonderful way to loosen up.

Hi Laura...love the 'Lips' watercolor...great stuff this blind contour drawing.

I LOVE THIS. Please bring it with you... something about the mouth and glasses just REALLY speak to me!!!!

One week to go!!!! Can't wait!

I've noticed that when drawing bc, everyone seems to have the same nose. This is a great idea, lots of fun and no pressure. What more could you ask for. I like that you even painted yours bc. I tried doing my hand. I think I'll try a self portrait next and see if my nose looks like yours.

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