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August 24, 2005


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What great comments, thank you! Mary, it would be fun to have a big group sketching session, I agree! Nancy, I paint the colors on site. Valerie, Victoria, Nancy, Terri and Cin, thank you, thank you for taking the time to write your thoughts. So appreciated.

Your sketches are breathtaking!!!

Oh, how much I adore these sketches! They reminded me of a morning walk around a town where my grandmother lives.

Wonderful stuff as ever. I love the fog especially (and that devilish expression on one of the cherubs).

loving all your trip sketches, I've seen documentaries on The Biltmore, what a wonderful place to visit and draw!

I love the quick sketches too, particularly the one of the view with the tree in the foreground and the mountains behind. Inspirational as usual. Thanks Laura!

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