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August 07, 2005


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Thanks, Detlef, Niff and Felicia (quite a few fs there!), Amanda, Evy and V! Evy, those pattypans are a kind of squash--funny little things, aren't they? No, F, I refuse to draw you with your eyes closed. That would look funny. heh. Now if I drew you with MY eyes closed, that would look even funnier.

Lovely simply lovely especially the tomatoes. Your veggies as rendered here are so alive with color almost bursting from the page. As for Fosters - I love your accuracy and if ever there is a time you sketch me - I will make sure I am well-groomed - perhaps keep my eyes closed? You simply see too much.

very nice laura, i am so glad you stopped by inkfinger, because now i have a great new artist to see everyday (well..see her art anyway.)
i love the loose quality of the produce drawing. makes me hungry.

You're are prolific, Laura.....and seem to go out to cafes and food regularly. I'm very envious.

beautiful, beautiful and...beautiful!

Laura, that would actually make a super article! However, you clearly are not afraid that we might be stampeded by more tourists than Champs Elysees in July. :)

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