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October 21, 2005


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Thanks, my friends. I really had a great time drawing on this trip.


I love the drawings you did on your site, especially the recent one of Chateau des Ormeaux. What a trip it must have been. I enjoyed getting to "share" the journey.


Just to echo everyone else in thanking you for these fantastic drawings and paint sketches - I've enjoyed sitting down and making a ritual over having a civilised cup of tea and taking time to enjoy your entries.

What ARE we going to do NOW?? lol

Glad you got back safely.


Thanks, all you sweet people. It is great to have such warm support for my (sometimes rugged) efforts. I brought back no cheese, but some chocolate and some fabulous perfumes--will that work?

Fabulous trip. Great post cards. Can't wait to hear all about it. Have a safe trip home.

even more love and admiration!!!

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