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October 12, 2005


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Wally, next time, I promise. Linda, thank you--I'm trying to get better at the building thing ;D. J and J, many thanks. J/Bela, Chartres is MORE beautiful than I could ever draw it! Simply, the most beautiful cathedral I've ever seen. Thank you for the batch of kind comments, my friend.

I've never been to Chartres, but I doubt it's as pretty as you make it look, L. So glad you're having a good time. :-)

I think we're all running out of adjectives. I hope you fill that book before you come home.

Laura! And you were saying you couldn't draw architecture very well...?? Liar, liar, pants on fire! The drawing of the outside of the cathedral with the rose window is fantastic!

There are beautiful! I am so happy you posted these drawings. Enjoy your trip!

Wonderful! These are book-worthy! Although I do feel let down that we didn't see a grand view of the pay toilets with Aaron Neville.

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