« Glimpses of knickers | Main | 7 am fountain, Meadowmont »

November 06, 2005


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Thanks, thanks everyone! Lydia, you've given me a good idea!

Yum as always.
Also I am SO getting the brushpens out later lol


beautiful as always. you make it look SO easy. darn you!!! =)

Oh Laurrrrrrr:

I really love the ink drawing - you know what? I would love to repeat and make into a fabric pattern - then perhaps a knee-length skirt with ribbon around bottom hem.
It's official. I hate you because I'm a jealous vindictive bitch.... heart, L

The shrub reflection in the water made me think of Debussy Reflets dans l'Eau, which I listened to this morning. Such a nice little coincidence. :)

Sure, the knickers are hot, but the lines of your sunflowers are quite sensual as well. I love their beautiful fluidity.

like the contrast between the above and below the water, the colors above are just glowing in the light, wonderful! and do I see a little creature just below the ripple of water on the right? Who's that? they look grumpy!

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