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December 27, 2005


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It's interesting to see the progression here. But even the first drawings are interesting because they go right to what you saw as the defining shapes of each of the people.

many thanks Laura for sharing your creative explorations, you have given me so much new to think about and try, new ways to see and draw, I'm so looking forward to more of your inspiration in 2006!

I love see other people's progressions. And your's are always so interesting (I do love the color studies). Each drawing is just practice for the next one isn't it?

You're so welcome---and if sharing my efforts has been of any help to anyone (thank you for your kind comments in that regard, Linda and others), I'm humbled and grateful.

Ah yes, the elbow grease! :o) You've shown the importance of that with your retrospective look through your year's work. Thanks for sharing Laura.

Terri, I believe that to be true. Absolutely. As for the rest, it is amazing what lack of anxiety will do for your creativity, isn't it? And elbow grease--let's not forget that.

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