One of the interior windows at the Persian Carpet, a fabulous store hereabouts.
And sitting on the floor, looking at a room you've seen before: (scroll down for full image.)
Now the only type of interior I've yet to do from the list I gave myself is a deep-space one. I have several possibilities in mind. Stay tuned. And thanks once again to all of you who were so encouraging the past couple of days, when I was so tired.
Thanks, you nice people, very much. Robin, I'm tricky that way. (But I knew from the outset that I wanted to do more than empty interiors, at least for some of the sketches.) Caroline, we're in the Year of the Camel, apparently. Amanda, I promised myself to do 31 interiors, so I have fewer days left than that! whew. Thank you, Elaine, my interiors buddy. Yes, Chuck, that's what I mean.
Posted by: Laura | January 25, 2006 at 07:17 PM
What do you mean by a "deep space"? Large area like an auditorium?
Posted by: Chuck Rose | January 25, 2006 at 05:02 PM
Bravo - your colour line is fantastic Laura - so descriptive - looking really confident and comfortable. Well done indeed.
Posted by: Elaine | January 25, 2006 at 03:18 PM
oh I love the camel! you've got his graceful clumsy funny shape so well (love the feet!), at the museum there's a beauty, ceramic, tang dynasty, I attemptd drawing him once, icky results, (you'll see in sketchbook) I was too close, find that I do much better from a more distant view
which is why I like this interior so much, a wonderful close view, so difficult I find to see this kind of space, beautifully done!
Posted by: Cin | January 25, 2006 at 12:07 PM
lovely lovely. I know you hate this but you got it down girl. I can just see that big calendar on the wall marked off with black X's. "only 7 more days of this s*#t", says Laura
I love the selective use of color with the b/w (very 'Cin' - we like that)
Posted by: Amanda | January 25, 2006 at 11:27 AM
cool camel!
love the hint of colors
i remain in awe of your stamina!
after all are producing all of this marvelous stuff AND
getting on with life's other stuff!!
i need to go lie down!
Posted by: zephyr | January 25, 2006 at 08:56 AM