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January 21, 2006


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LOL.... I'm glad you sketched this... just drop me a line when you need help with those gradients... you're not missing much for sure...

Thanks, everyone. I'm not sure what the rendezvous between me and Photoshop will engender. I know that I adore paper and paint and pencils and ink and all that retro stuff. But there will certainly be uses for the Photoshop technology. I'm as curious as you are as to outcomes.

you are SO GOOD at this!
and, me too...i'm eager to see what will come
from Laura + PShop

Oooh I'm so excited you are taking the class - what fruits will this bear in the future?

like your peek into the classroom, a great capture of the expressions of the folks in the foreground and of the difficult perspective of the scene

especially appreciating this as I tried drawing a similar group scene a few days ago, my results took more license with proportions and perspective than I intended or wanted, this is not easy!

I'm surprised you weren't told to stand in the corner. LOL. Seriously, you are amazing - you find drawing opportunities EVERYWHERE! This is great - just love the studious expressions on your fellow student's faces. :o)

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