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January 28, 2006


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I think this has amazing depth! i love how simple and yet complex you get all those patterns. ANNNNND, i can't wait for food! yummmmmmmmm!

I also love hotel lobbies. One certainly hears and sees many interesting things. Of course, your take on the interior is great, and I am glad that you have decided to undertake it.

Now, I cannot wait for food! :)

you've really inspired me. I used to do interiors with great pleasure, if not expertise, and I've gotten away from that. In 2003 I did a small painting everyday and ended with a journal filled with a grid of 365 days- loved it. So, with your inspiration maybe this year I'll do at least a grid for a month or two. I think your kitchen drawing is wonderful and yet, you don't think it's your best...I'd like to see others that you like more. thanks for showing them to us. dana

Your series has been amazing - I have not commented as often as looked (sometimes there really is nothing more left to say...) but I'm glad to have been given this insight into your process.

thank you.

I hardly know what to say that hasn't already been said. Except, food? Will there be chocolate?

What a spectacular finish! A great project Laura - I struggled, but I'm hoping to still do some interiors for the rest of the year and maybe even enjoy them in time :) Do you mind if I shadow you on the occasional monthly theme?


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