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January 22, 2006


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Fantastico! Love the glass windows so much.
I see you grew an Amaryllis too! : )

Thank you so much, Linda, J, Big H and Ty. Linda, I look forward to seeing some of your artwork and I hope you are recuperating nicely from your recent health scares.

hey, Keep up the good work. If this kitchen sketch is not good then my eyes need some serious medical attention!LOL. Everyday since I 've gotten home from the hospital Its exciting to me to go to your blog and to see what your up to next. I myself have just started about 9 months or so on my Art dream and it pepole like you that help me along. I bet you didn't know that in alot of ways your a teacher for me . Get some rest and do some more of your new year promises. I;m hrar rooting you along.
Have a wonderful day

I must say I love your interiors.

I must say I love your interiors.

What can I say? Love it! :-)

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