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January 18, 2006


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Your figures have such a character, and I can only feel how relaxed the woman is. I love to see how your style changes a little. You seem even more at ease drawing the human bodies.

You are doing a very great job, I love those interiors and the lines that creates all the volume.

Hm. I guess I can see why you haven't shot any proffers of marriage my way. Ixnay with the uking-pay, Wally.

. . . and since your influence is cropping up in a variety of sketchblogs, I guess you could say you're puking all over the internet!

I really can not keep up with you. you are always puking out such amazing work. i say puking because there seems to be a non-stop supply.

you really have such a great sense of volume and wieght to your interiors that I just love.

like both of them, especially as I'm seeing them made into terrific bookplates!

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