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February 05, 2006


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Again I am attracted to your wonderful use of color!

I was super envious of the venue and the company, but happy to share it virtually - hurrah for sketchblogs! Beautiful work - do you think you felt the benefit of figure drawing in tackling these?


always amazed at what you get done in one day and that all of it is gorgeous!!!

Thanks, you three! Terri, I colored the figures on site, but added the colors in the background on both later. Linda, what with Tania and the dragon and the exit sign, I'm just full of symbolism (or something) lately ;D.

Gorgeous drawings of the museum, with fantastic colors. How did you manage all that? And I'm thinking there are some people who would assign great and arcane meaning to the "Exit the Heroic Being" piece ...

Wow. :o) Did you colour these on site, or later?

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