My figure drawing group is having the dickens of a time getting together, so I've taken matters into my own hands. I had my favorite model over to my house tonight and got a little drawing in. I draw on 18" x 24" paper, way too big for my scanner (as are all my drawings, unfortunately), so the quality of these photos is not the greatest. I'll try again tomorrow when the natural light is better.But for now:
Scroll down for complete image.
Thank you so much, everyone! It was great to come home to such nice comments. Kevin, we're going to have to get you to model again. You're a great model, too. Chuck, it WAS upstairs here, so you'd have had an even harder time :D. Elaine, you just need to do it. You can do anything. Thanks again, you all.
Posted by: Laura | February 17, 2006 at 11:52 AM
Damn girl. Good for you. Having the model come to your house! I'm afraid I'd have trouble keeping my teenage boys upstairs. :D
As always, well done.
Posted by: Chuck Rose | February 16, 2006 at 11:57 PM
i don't think this would count as food, ha. but i love that dark shiny hair. great job laura.
Posted by: niff | February 16, 2006 at 10:09 PM
that's "taking" figure drawing.
Posted by: Amanda | February 16, 2006 at 07:59 PM
great work laura. It is so fun to see all you guys taken figure drawing together, and yet separately. I wish I could find a group, but like you said...being in NYC, it's so hard to find these resources.
Posted by: Amanda | February 16, 2006 at 06:54 PM
I'm so glad you inspired me too, I'm having such fun at my class, it is so challenging! I love drawing the figure and studying other's drawings too also helps me to learn so I'm glad you're continueing on even when your group can't meet. These are lovely, maybe because of the pants and earrings remind me of matisse odalisque portraits
Posted by: Cin | February 16, 2006 at 05:49 PM