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February 05, 2006


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Laura, this is really beautiful. I really like the series that you have been doing lately and I've been inspired to do a tea themed one for a long time. I think I will now.

Fantastic! Both of these are great.

What a beautiful drawing! I now would love to see Tania's sketches too. :)

Laura, I protest, my portrait is much prettier than me! It will always remind me of what I looked like before the dragon ate off the back of my head.

Seeing you is something I never get enough of. Tea and talk can be so curative. And thank you for reminding me to draw!

Now, I hope the universe lays off of you and you get some unfrazzled weeks of zen, which you deserve. Big hugs, L.

Hey its a snow windy day and just went on your web site and the drawings are wonderful!! Tea would be a very good thing as I sit and write this. A very good weekend all and all. Keep up the wonderful work. Magic!
pa friend,

Well you may have had a frantic weekend Laura, but these pages exude calm, gentle magic :)
Also - mmmmmmmmm tea.

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