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February 22, 2006


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What fun and what lovely pictures. You handled these beautifully!

Fruit and veg in big waltzy gowns :)What a fab image - gorgeous greens and you even got the 'prickle' in the netting bag mesh. Looks like you had fun with this one Laura.

so exquisite! hope you'll be posting to flickr soon so I can make this a favorite

What I want to know is where I can get one of those Moleskines with different-sized pages.

Well, wow. Thank you for all the warm and encouraging remarks, everyone. The netting was so much fun to do---sort of like the lace of the red lace knickers ;D. Z, I'll look into that book you mention and Linda, I didn't know I had so much power! I'll have to remember to use it only for the good of humankind.

This one is so good, that when I was typing in a comment earlier a transformer outside the window blew, and my entire neighborhood was without power for an hour and a half. True story! How good is that!?!
I don't know how you did the netting, but it made the painting! Is there going to be pie tonight, or are you going to make key lime curd and save it for Sunday breakfast? (And now I'm off to check out that recipe for sprouts with pecans ...)

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