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February 12, 2006


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I REALLY like this one. Those items seem so... alive?


I REALLY like this one. Those items seem so... alive?

ok. like, little illustrated travel journals for all the different hotels. A few blurbs about the place, a couple of drawings, they pay for the printing, we stay for free for a month! Of course I'm your rep so I'll have to go along with you.

oooh maple mustard ... how nice to see a cache of foody-goodies - never be ashamed of such a gathering of yummy memorandum and such a great drawing workout to boot!

Nice presentation of the food and lovely drawing. Safe home!

Laura -- OH MY - WHAT DELICIOUS looking temptations --!!! Such BEAUTIES to see you sketch and to imagine consuming!! YUMMMMMM!!! Ah, but, all things are good in moderation .... don't you think?? Except chocolate -- now THAT"S good for the soul AND the body!

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