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February 17, 2006


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A belated thank you to the last commenters. A, this is the first thing to go wrong in three years, so I'm happy with the car. Sorry yours has been bratty. Cars are weird.

Your mother is beautiful. Must be where you get it from. :o) What a lousy day you had. Sounds like you have a great way of looking at it though. Glad you got some sketches done ...it wasn't a total waste of a day! :o)

I am sooo done with the Audi. Ours is spoilt little brat. Gimme a good old Toyota next time.

Mom is gorgeous! I see the resemblance.

Gorgeous mom! Nutritious lunch there honey.

that strange, faint rumble you hear in the background is my groaning in sympathy for your car mishap....aaarrrggghhh!...
on the other hand
your mother is beautiful!!

Laura, about the pianos: it's that wonderful sort of resigned gaze upward that I mean. :)

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