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April 19, 2006


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I can tell you really nailed the structure of the face in the second drawing. The model has something of an underbite and you captured the structure of it perfectly.

Oh, I agree about those skinny male models. No substance. They are quite useless in my book. But you did a great job, as usual.

Thank you so much. About the lines---it's funny how everyone has her/his own natural way of making marks, isn't it? Messy, wild lines seem to be mine.

I like the way you've drawn the fingers and the toes, something I am concentrating on right now. You have such skill drawing them.

I agree with Lin...you are the Queen of Linework. :o)

There is MAGIC in dem dere lines, me dear -- BEAUTIFULLY RENDERED! You do what no one else can do with lines -- truly magic!

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