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May 29, 2006


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Very late to this party, but just love the coffee shop -- what gorgeous colors, L.

God, that's luscious. I love the lively brown ink and washes...

Thank you so much, recent commenters. Sparky, especially, thank you for seeing a connection between me and my father. All of the subjects are within 3 or 4 miles of my house.

Ah, these sketches are so pretty. I can't imagine trying to draw after gardening for that length of time... my fingers just feel like lead weights after I've been digging around in the dirt for too long. Must be arthritis. :(

This last several days--what an efflorescence! Are these subjects within walking distance of home? I see so much of you in your father's face.

These drawing sing with summer sunshine...or should I say 'sizzle'? Gorgeous. :o)

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