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May 28, 2006


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A beautiful tribute to your Dad, Laura. Drawn in your uniquely tender and sensative style. Just lovely.

Beautiful, indeed. I don't believe I've ever seen a young man in uniform that wasn't beautiful. That includes my grandfather and father...

Lovely tribute, Laura.

indeed, a wonderful portrait, tribute.

Thank you so much for your very kind comments, everyone. This is a pencil drawing I did last summer, having found a charming photograph of my dewy-looking young father. I liked it fine last year, but I'd do a better job now--all the looking and drawing of the past year has made a difference. He was beautiful, though, wasn't he?

I remember you sharing this with me before. I'm so glad you put it up today.

Wonderful drawing of your dad. I just posted a poem in memory of mine. Yes...a day for remembering.

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