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May 02, 2006


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Laura, that's awful. I'm so sorry to hear it. I hope that you will still have your drawing materials and will enjoy that part of the trip nonetheless. What a terrible thing to happen on such a happy occasion.

I am glad to hear that you are enjoying the rest of your trip and have made the best of a bad situation. Reading the comments, I don't know a slick of French so I had to use one of the two translator links on my website that I put there just for this reason. I don't like to miss out on any conversation in case it's of the most interesting sort. Hope you don't mind. :)

Pour Amanda...
Chère Madame, je veux bien croire que votre allusion aux « singes » était de la plaisanterie de second degré ! Je veux bien le croire d’autant plus que vous avouez avoir, un jour, partagé l’oreiller d’un
« french primate »… J’espère sincèrement que vous avez pu, depuis, ramasser les morceaux de votre cœur brisé afin de les transformer en roches rouges aussi belles et aussi solides que celles, ô splendeur, qui dévalent les flancs de l’Estérel avant de se jeter, éparses, sur les bords de la Méditerranée… Your sincerely, Guy.

The joys of travel. Well they sure didn't rob you of your spirit. My car was broken into when I lived in NY. All they took was the car radio and my unfinished needlepoint. I didn't care about the radio but gee I missed that needlepoint. I was hoping they at least finished it.

Well, darn it. You sound like you're carrying on, though -- so I guess you are just chalking it all up to adventure! Hope the rest of your trip is super!

Oh I'm just joking Guy. I love France. I really do. Except for that French boyfriend who broke my heart...but that's another story

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