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June 14, 2006


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Hi Laura--
This is such a useful post... Just came back to it while ordering pencils for my daughter.

Wow - love this study. Surely I don't need MORE pencils, do I? But I don't have any of these water-types! And now you've gone and whetted my insatiable appetite for art supplies...

Wonderful work, wonderful blog!

I cannot believe your patience, drawing the same subject four times (and very beautifully at that).

I'm thrilled that you all got something from my green glove goings-on! Will do something similar soon and look forward to seeing others, like Catalina's, too!

Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery useful! thank you. Good idea as well, to compare in this way, i will do it with some other medium

what a fascinating study!

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