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June 20, 2006


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beautiful Laura. I love the colors. Is that one of those Stark plastic chairs?

Thank you, kind souls. Moreton and I cook for each other (we generously allow our husbands to partake, too) as often as we can. Alison, hmmm. Intriguing suggestion!Trying to envision what I was looking at, coming out of the birth canal ;D.

the orange chair and the plant beside it, hmmmmm, loving those colors especially

as always
i am refreshed with my visit.
what lovely drawings and
what a lovely woman your friend surely is.

I love your armchair one - it has such a lovey loose lines. Thank you for your comments on my blog - I still can't believe how my memory paintings just fall onto the page - I keep thinking I won't be able to draw when I move on to something else - but the daily drawing/exercise project is great for practising other things. I thought your line, 'having been born at home, during a blizzard, on an extinct volcano, in the middle of the Bering Sea' would make a fabulous text for a memory painting for you - I'm almost tempted to do it myself but it would be total make-up as I don't have it in my soul.

Oh what fun to have a gardening food-writing friend who lives so close! Does she cook for you while you draw? THAT would make it all just perfect ...
In all seriousness, these are really gorgeous -- the drawings AND the gardening, so hats off to you both! :-)

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