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June 30, 2006


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Beautiful colors and composition.

(you are very generous to me you know)

Thanks so much, Susan, Toni and Cin. Susan, I've got a few ideas percolating for next year--we'll have to wait and see what develops!Toni, thank you for coming and for your kind words. Cin--talk about inspiration being a two-way street. You are one of my chief inspirations and one of my very very favorite artists in all the world.

congrats Laura on the half way mark! your commitment IS inspiring, there is such a lot of hard work in this project, your joyous drawings belie that fact, you keep me going, your curiosity and inventiveness always inspiring and reminding me to try for more, many thanks!

You have quite a following and that is a good testament to your commitment. Although I've just recently been reading your blog I admire and applaud you in your efforts.

1. I can't believe you're halfway through your enlightening, delightful, inspiring project.
2. which means we are all halfway through yet another year.
3. I'm so excited for Paris/october I can hardly wait...except that means we'll be so close to the end of your years project and will just have to trust that you have something wonderful up your sleeve. Like a BOOK!?

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