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June 12, 2006


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What a luscious drawing! I want to set them on my table!

I love this gorgeous drawing

Thank you, one and all! Emotenote, I'm so glad you visited and hope you will do so again. I'm going to do more colored pencil comparisons soon. Catalina, I wish I had something specific to share. I promise to think and think until I come up with something! I'd be happy to answer any questions you have, though.

I love how you use pencil colours. Do you have a special technique, a tip to share?

It's nice pigment isn't it!

If you keep working the pencils and they get warm you can them to a stage where the oil base becomes more 'liquid' - not in reality but you certainly can get a sensation of pushing the colour around very much like one can in watercolour. It's a very odd sensation but one to be relished!

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