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June 29, 2006


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Love the bottle tree and the lore that accompanies it. I enjoy this drawing - I can imagine visiting the botanical gardens; you've portrayed it so beautifully.

wow. what a great idea. I never heard of such a thing. This is so much fun. Reminds me of the "Grandma's Bottle Village" documentary. Did you ever see that?

Lovely drawings Laura. As usual.

beautiful, beautiful drawing!

That's something the homesick part of me wants in my backyard garden--a bottle tree. Maybe in the future hedge maze... Or by the gazebo of dutchman's pipe. Wonder if my Yankee neighbors will hate it? I remember dazzling clear and clear-gone-amethyst ones in Georgia, but I, too, like the ones that include cobalt blue.

Ben Steelman, the books editor at the Wilmington paper, lives down the alley from an artist's bottle house--quite thick, made from wine bottles, I think... Wonderful.

Thank you so much, everyone. Maybe it's time for a whole new generation of bottle trees!

What a wonderful journal page. The blue is beautiful!

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