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June 26, 2006


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simply breathtaking and I am not familiar with the media you are using here. I will have to look for more info on it as these are absolutely stunning!


Oh Oh Oh, love these illustrations! This makes me want to take up colored pencil again!

I always love your plant pictures. These are exceptionally lovely - such free lines to capture the spirit of these wonderful flowers. Great background, too.

Thanks so much for all of your enthusiam! As I mentioned above, this is a Fabriano Artist's Journal, filled with their wonderful colored paper. It buckles when water medium is used at the normal intensity, but isn't bad when used with bits of gouaches, as in these three. I also used Faber-Castell Polychromos and graphite for blocking in the shapes.
Jana, thank you for looking at the albums at left. I like the albums feature of Typepad. With it, I can show separately my 12 different themed sketchbooks as well as other genres. It helps me to be able to see things grouped together. I don't know if I'll make larger drawings in a similar vein to these sketches, but if I do, Katherine, I will certainly let you know! I do appreciate so much all of your great, supportive responses!

Love the texture - really adds to your beautiful line Laura - yum. Is that brown kraft paper?

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