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August 15, 2006


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I grew up on a dairy goat farm and you have captured the goats with charm and grace! Bueno Deluxo!

Hi all and thanks so much! I AM enjoying this animal sketching, you are so right, Teri! I'd done almost none of it before this month---look what I was missing! The goats in the field smelled the way goat cheese smells, nice and milky, but the barn smells were a different matter. Not awful, but different. I buy goat cheese from this farmer's stand at the farmers' market, and that is how I knew about him. Marly, I want to do more chickens. I hope to go to another farm next week and do just that. Sarah and Tam, I hope you do go and sketch your local goats, too! Katherine, your cats and you are welcome any time. Thanks once again, everyone.

Now these are interesting celebrities! Beautifully done. I'm in awe at your rendering of the goat sitting down, facing away - so few lines and each one just perfect.

What tender little goats... And can we have more chickens? Chickens loom large.

Naure is so very gentle and sweet in your hands.

Steadily going on your methodic animals drwaing. And with the most beautifull results!

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