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August 02, 2006


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les dessinbs sont vraiment merveilleux!

Your birds are lovely. I like the way the brush pen worked here. Your art is just awesome and amazing and truly inspiring.

Hard to beat markets. There is nothing like fresh veggies. Love your painting. I would love to be able to do water colors.

Thank you so much, my friends, for all the nice words. Robyn, what a lovely metaphor! Chris, it's just their devil-may-care attitude. Linda M, you've got a lot to answer for ;D. Terri, I drew the market things from a photo I took (part of a current assignment. Usually draw from life.) Tara, thank you, thank you and I've added you to my Writer Blog list, too! V, this is a new look that Paris Breakfasts bludgeoned me to adopt---and she was right, as usual. More improvements planned. Max, I'll take you up on your sweet offer! Flinty, you're a tough cookie. Nice, though! Pam, I've been thinking a lot about you and your wonderful bird photos. Felicity, it was temporary insanity, I think ;D. (Mine, I mean, not yours!) Chuck, Lin, Teri, Linda C---glad you liked 'em!

Beautiful line drawings! I'd be delighted just to do those so I'm dying to see your animals in colour!! Love the lady at the market (amazing colour!) How do you find time to do your art and entertain too? I had four for dinner who had to cancel at the last minute and it's thrown me out of sync for a week :(!

I really like the colors in the woman at the fruitstand picture. her posture is really interesting too. anyways, cecelia told me you were making the big switch over to a mac, and that's great! feel free to email me if you have any questions about it. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with your new computer. cheers.

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