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August 09, 2006


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Lovely sweet cow drawings Laura!

Have always had a fondness for cows. Gave up eating beef years ago because of what I saw in the eyes of a one.

Laura -- a day or two late (as usual) but still want to say how beautiful your cows are! And you will be able to count me in on the goat-fan brigade -- they're favorites! (I guess I can kind of relate to a creature that will try to eat everything in sight...)

Wow, these are terrific Laura. I really like the way you managed to depict their bulk and their gentleness with so few pencil strokes. The colour is great too. Sounds like you had a lovely sketching session!

Well, look at all the cow fans! I'll be drawing goats in the next few days---we'll see how vocal the goat brigade is ;D. Odd as it sounds, I think some of the admiration (there's no other word for it) I felt for these winsome creatures is evident in the drawings. And thank you ALL for such warm and enthusiastic comments!

I've always had a soft spot for Jersey cows. They were the first cows I ever milked, on a schoolfriend's family farm near Toronto. They have such beautiful colour and their eyes just melt. You've captured them so beautifully here.

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