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August 27, 2006


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nice work you have here. I have a lot of sketchbooks at my site. Maybe you´ll like them

Ooohh! I leave for Paris on the 29th, although it is a 17hr flight for me, so I get there the same day as you, the 30th. It is my first time there and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm also deciding what to take. I've made my sketchbooks - one for each of the 4 weeks I'm away. I'm not sure if that is just too rediculous, as I haven't done a travel sketchbook at all before. But I thought I wanted to be ready just incase I'm prolific. I'm going to limit myself to the sketchbooks, so that simplifies it a lot. Just pens and watercolours I think, although I'm likely to through in a wide range of pencils, markers and gouache at the last minute, I just know it.

Thanks so much to the most recent commenters! Tara, it is my very bad luck to be in Paris one whole month when you are not there! I'll have to plan better next time, absolutely! Jana, thank you. I have the paid subscription. I'm pretty happy with Typepad, all things considered. Linda, you know I've got one or two ideas up my sleeve ;D. And thanks for popping in. Ulla and Linda, your kind words are wonderful to read, thank you. Linda, there's a gallery of these sketches at the top left of this page. Be well.

Your travel sketches are simply breathtaking in their scope, beauty and depth. How wonderful that you've been able to see so many parts of the world and then share your vision with others through your lovely art. I must say Typepad certainly provides a wonderful way for viewers to enjoy collections like this. Do you have the basic subscription?

Laura, When I pushed the button to reach youre web page My breath was stopped for a few min hear. How I've wanted somone to show there WC sketchbooks(which Im trying to master on my own the painting drawing ect) Cant tell you what this means to me, and the way it looks to most of us. Can you please have a section to show your pages of your books. If I was there to help you Id be there for you. I havent been this excited and just plain happy for some time. A sick womens dream WC sketchbooks is the ticket for me.
Thank you thank you,

I KNEW you had a bunch of good travel sketchbooks stashed somewhere! Perhaps you should consider publishing one of them; after all, you aren't the only one who loves published journals...

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