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August 29, 2006


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Yes, thank you for all this. It is greatly appreciated. I can see a new obsession on the horizon...

Thanks so much, Zeph, for your recommendations! I will look into those. David Gentleman's Paris is wonderful, too, but the India is stunning! It's out of print and hard to get, but a sweet English friend found a copy and gave it to me for my birthday.

oh! it suddenly hit me that i can add something to the discussion:
i really enjoy the mostly pen and ink drawings in Earl Thollander's Back Roads of New England
and David Yeadon's books (though fewer sketches and more nice prose) particularly Secluded Islands of the Atlantic Coast and his New York's Nooks and Crannies: Unusual Walking Tours in All Five Boroughs was a treasure for me when i was new to the tri-states...though it had fewer sketches.
i also picked up and loved the watercolors in David Gentleman's Britain 20 years ago and still pour over it.

this librarian's daughter's heart is beating wildly!
thank you for all of this!

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