Oh, it's one of those hurried, I drank-too-much-coffee, I'm-stressed-out days. I'm freaking out a bit, trying to get ready to be gone for a month. Nevertheless, here are two women having coffee and a Buddha from a local restaurant. (Perhaps his tranquility would have rubbed off on me, if I'd had more time to draw him.)
Thats good..All of your work is good
Posted by: bearuh | September 18, 2006 at 12:53 PM
...and after all those lovely calming thoughts, here's a silly one: When I saw the picture of Buddha my first thought was that he looked like he's at the salon getting his hair done. I looked for the hairdresser standing behind him. I like the way you captured the gold of the statue. I called Kremer and ordered the watercolor set and ended up having a lengthy and very enjoyable conversation with Carol when I called, which was a real treat.
Posted by: Jana Bouc | September 15, 2006 at 01:25 AM
Wow, thanks so much for all of the positive comments! I am feeling somewhat better today, though the lord knows why. I haven't made much headway on the To Do list. Felicity, I do paint on site. Kate, I'm using some new Daniel Smith and Kremer paints and LOVE them. Will try to do a post on my Paris palette before I go. Thank you, Z, Linda, Maggie, Tami, Terri, Lori, and all those who sent me calming thoughts ;D.
Posted by: Laura | September 14, 2006 at 01:29 PM
ah yes! i know i would be a basket case if i wer trying to get ready to go away for a month...we have to think like your handsome buddah....
and breathe
Posted by: zephyr | September 14, 2006 at 11:37 AM
you capture these so quick and so well! the buddha and the chickens below, the beautiful splashes of color make them pop, I love these momentos of your day!
Posted by: Cin | September 13, 2006 at 11:50 PM
Finally back to catch up on all your lovely sketches after a long sabatical of busy, busy, busy! I loved the animals especially the pigs, just a gesture of them brings a big smile, yet your outdoor illustrations are just as lovely. I especially like the sketch of the sculpture; drawing full frontals has always perplexed me.I am a bit envious (a no-no I know) as you are so adept at drawing them and I feel all thumbs. Too, I do like the two women sitting in the chairs-so relaxed which I am finally able to do this week.
I am so looking forward to catching up on all your posts and I look forward to your posts from Paris. Pace yourself dear friend, I find that works best when I have mountains to do.
~Happy travels~
Posted by: Maggie | September 13, 2006 at 10:47 PM