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September 12, 2006


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Thats good..All of your work is good

...and after all those lovely calming thoughts, here's a silly one: When I saw the picture of Buddha my first thought was that he looked like he's at the salon getting his hair done. I looked for the hairdresser standing behind him. I like the way you captured the gold of the statue. I called Kremer and ordered the watercolor set and ended up having a lengthy and very enjoyable conversation with Carol when I called, which was a real treat.

Wow, thanks so much for all of the positive comments! I am feeling somewhat better today, though the lord knows why. I haven't made much headway on the To Do list. Felicity, I do paint on site. Kate, I'm using some new Daniel Smith and Kremer paints and LOVE them. Will try to do a post on my Paris palette before I go. Thank you, Z, Linda, Maggie, Tami, Terri, Lori, and all those who sent me calming thoughts ;D.

ah yes! i know i would be a basket case if i wer trying to get ready to go away for a month...we have to think like your handsome buddah....
and breathe

you capture these so quick and so well! the buddha and the chickens below, the beautiful splashes of color make them pop, I love these momentos of your day!

Finally back to catch up on all your lovely sketches after a long sabatical of busy, busy, busy! I loved the animals especially the pigs, just a gesture of them brings a big smile, yet your outdoor illustrations are just as lovely. I especially like the sketch of the sculpture; drawing full frontals has always perplexed me.I am a bit envious (a no-no I know) as you are so adept at drawing them and I feel all thumbs. Too, I do like the two women sitting in the chairs-so relaxed which I am finally able to do this week.

I am so looking forward to catching up on all your posts and I look forward to your posts from Paris. Pace yourself dear friend, I find that works best when I have mountains to do.

~Happy travels~

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