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October 12, 2006


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Sardine cake? I don't know about that, but the drawings are wonderful...so fresh and elegant at the same time, especially the people.

I can't tell you all how much fun it is to have you along as I make my way through Paris! Funny as it sounds, I carry each of you with me and sometimes think 'Oh, Anthony will like this,' or "Lin and Teri and Terri will get a kick out of this, ' or 'France will remember this' or 'Kate will see the blue ochre here' or "I wonder what Marly will see in this' and on and on. The only thing that is better than doing the things I'm doing is my ability to share it all with you ---and that's no merde ;D.

This is all such fun to see and read about, Laura - thank you for sharing it with us all.

Que j'aime ces masques du Quai Branly. Je me souviens avoir entendu l'inauguration par Chirac il y quelques mois. Et cette tuile aux amandes, elle me donne envie de l'attraper. Tes dessins, Laura, c'est comme de la grande cuisine a déguster... pour les yeux.

Delicious and Delightful, I love your descriptions as much as the paintings. Can barely wait till tomorrow... No diet in Paris!

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