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October 25, 2006


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Paris is so beautiful perhaps one doesn't mind being the victim of a scam and this one is rather poetic. LOL!

I'm so glad you had a good time in that gorgeous city. :-)

That's just insane!!! My God! What an amazing thing to happen in Paris. Hope you have a safe trip home. Lovely paintings Laura-as usual. Lots of love, L

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such spirited and warm comments! Don't you wish this could last forever?

I also am loving the dresses.
And the tale of the rings well there has to be a story in it somewhere. you know made for TV.

Wonderful skies (again) and amazing about those rings!

FYI, my husband's wedding ring? One he found on the ground in a parking lot in Houston. (We ain't fancy people, LOL!)

if I ever make it to Paris now I will know to beware of the rings! loving these sketches, so admiring your skill and talent!

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