Oh, today has been heaven-sent. I had breakfast at Laduree (cafe creme and a praline macaron) with my dear friend P, which is about a good a start to a day as this world can conjure up. I was already glowing from yesterday afternoon's tea spent with an adorable and so hospitable French family in their bijou apartment not far from here.
After Laduree then, I set out with my trusty art sack and just went wherever my fancy struck me. And it struck me at Musee d'Orsay, in front of an elephant and its birdy admirer, who were nose to nose. Or, let us say, trunk to beak.
Next, I crossed the river at Pont Royal and walked along the very edge of the Seine, where the houseboats are moored. You can walk quite a long way on this path and I did. I was enraptured---there's no other way to say it. Everywhere I looked was something visually delightful. And then I came upon this dinghy, bursting with Gallic pride, as evidenced by a giant French flag that snapped to attention in the strong breeze.
I sat on a low stone wall and drew and then looked and thought how very lucky I am to be here, to have new and old friends in my life. And how grateful.
Wow, the sketches are fantastic. I had a great time looking at your sketches and the brilliant colors. VERY nice work I must say...
Posted by: Lydia Velarde | October 25, 2006 at 08:56 PM
Thank you, kind commenters! Caty, I'd LOVE to come to la Rochelle and may be near there this summer. Will let you know! Wagonized, a Paris je vois souvent le drapeau francais, mais tu as raison, pas souvent ailleurs!
Posted by: Laura | October 25, 2006 at 01:01 PM
your watercolors defining the elephant are wow! love the little bird and the movement in the sketch. Looks like the start of a great friendship from their expressions :)
Posted by: Cin | October 25, 2006 at 12:09 AM
Il est si rare de voir flotter le drapeau français en France! Merci de l'avoir capté ainsi, sur ce petit bateau sur la Seine.
Mais Laura, quel magnifique éléphant! Et quelle note humoristique que d'avoir ajouté le petit oiseau sur sa trompe! J'aime beaucoup la suggestion de l'architecture derriere lui aussi. Superbe.
Posted by: wagonized | October 24, 2006 at 07:36 PM
Oh! I would like really to be there and take a picture of you making those sketchs! :) Coming to la Rochelle sometime?
Posted by: Catalina | October 24, 2006 at 04:00 AM
What an amazing, wonderful holiday you're having! It's so great to have the internet and follow you as it's happening!
Posted by: Felicity | October 24, 2006 at 02:46 AM