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October 07, 2006


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Well done - that´s exactly how it looks there! Glad you´re having good weather for your outdoor adventures.

Love your sketches!

Thanks so much, all you vista lovers! Well, I agree that each artist does it differently, but there are still some things that I still hesitate to do for fear of being cliched. There's enough non-cliche stuff to sketch to last a few lifetimes. Kelley, I'm not keeping a journal other than the text on this blog. I frankly don't have the time or energy---I'd rather be out experiencing Paris. I figure the sketches and blog text work pretty well a a record of my experiences.

And you were right!

I love the clouds, the trees and the little details of the fallen leaves in the foreground. So much going on and all a feast for the eyes.

Well, girl, you managed to make the vista intimate and very personal. I love it...

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