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October 04, 2006


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I love this fountain as well! I would be this person, asking to take a picture of you!

Your sketches are incredibly beautiful! And it´s true that the French are very proud of their heritage. There´s a Frenchman in my Spanish class (from Paris) who thanked me for saying complimentary things about Paris and France to others. The French really can be very charming when they want to be. You´re truly doing justice to those gorgeous fountains and Paris scenes. Thank you for showing glimpses of "home." xo

You are inspiring me...I may have to take a sketchbook along (although am sure it will have much less attractive results than yours) on an immanent business trip.

The camera is very intrusive (at least for me) re: people, but I do like to sketch in airports.

Just time for a quick merci and will come back and answer at greater length later! I'm so happy to get your suggestions and feedback and encouragement! Merci, merci!

Perfect. Just perfect - the drawings, the story, the people, the day. (sigh) :o)

Great days that we are also enjoying trhrought your drawings.

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