For me, it was. Today it was all golden light and cobalt blue skies and brisk air. And it was all of that in the Luxembourg Gardens, which is full of glorious statuary, vivid flowery hues and shapes, and people from all corners of the universe. What more could this people-drawing, sculpture-loving, garden-devoted artist want? Not one single thing, except to live another lifetime so I could begin to pay such beauty its due.
Three wonderful encounters I had today:
Ah, c'est beau, eh, votre dessin! Puis-je prendre un photo? ( A nice young man wanted to, and did, take a photo of my fountain sketch.)
Je peux regarder? ( A very handsome policeman asked to see what I was drawing. I told him I'd like to draw him, but he was on duty, so he let me take his photo. We exchanged business cards so when I do a sketch of him tomorrow or the next day, he'll be able to see it on my blog!)
Et, alors, qu'est-ce que vous dessinez? ( A wonderfully preserved older gentleman, a professor at the Sorbonne, asked what I was drawing, so I showed him all of today's sketches. He then gave me the whole, fascinating history of the fountain I've sketched a part of below. He was so proud of his patrimony, it brought tears to my eyes.
I am in love with this fountain. We will see it again. This is just the first quick take on it. Please click on each image for more detail!
I wasn't the only one enjoying the glorious day. Here are others. I'm rushing to post before going out to dinner. I don't know about the quality of these images, since I'm struggling with my new Mac. If they're not right, I'll fix them later. A demain, until tomorrow!
I love this fountain as well! I would be this person, asking to take a picture of you!
Posted by: Catalina | October 09, 2006 at 10:14 AM
Your sketches are incredibly beautiful! And it´s true that the French are very proud of their heritage. There´s a Frenchman in my Spanish class (from Paris) who thanked me for saying complimentary things about Paris and France to others. The French really can be very charming when they want to be. You´re truly doing justice to those gorgeous fountains and Paris scenes. Thank you for showing glimpses of "home." xo
Posted by: Paris Parfait | October 07, 2006 at 12:59 PM
You are inspiring me...I may have to take a sketchbook along (although am sure it will have much less attractive results than yours) on an immanent business trip.
The camera is very intrusive (at least for me) re: people, but I do like to sketch in airports.
Posted by: Lori Witzel | October 06, 2006 at 07:09 AM
Just time for a quick merci and will come back and answer at greater length later! I'm so happy to get your suggestions and feedback and encouragement! Merci, merci!
Posted by: Laura | October 06, 2006 at 05:25 AM
Perfect. Just perfect - the drawings, the story, the people, the day. (sigh) :o)
Posted by: Terri | October 05, 2006 at 07:28 PM
Great days that we are also enjoying trhrought your drawings.
Posted by: Pedro | October 05, 2006 at 06:20 PM