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November 19, 2006


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You just blow me away with your drawings. Each and every one is so special and full of life. I love them all and can't never get enough.

Linda! You're a genius! It must be Saint Martha---thank you SO much for figuring that out and telling me! I know the French word for tarragon is estragon, but I didn't know about a dragon connection. And thank you, late commenters, for your Thanksgiving wishes and your kind words about these sketches!

Ooh -- wonderful drawings of candles and hubby and statue. The bronze is interesting ... have you considered that it might be Saint Martha? (Who either killed the last dragon in France, or tricked / tamed him and led him to the town for slaughter -- I don't remember exactly.) Anyway, she is closely associated with dragons (and tarragon -- which is also all about dragons.)

Love the colors you have used here and the way the tones move from the head down to the feet.

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving to you and yours Laura!

may I especially ditto Andrea and Casey's comments, exactly what I feel when i see your work.

You are such an inspiration. The simplest subject takes on artistic weight in your hands, and you make it seem so effortless. Thank you.

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