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December 14, 2006


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Are those belties?? I used to love looking at the belties at Fearrington. I actually did some sketches of the Potting Shed, the Inn itself and the rolling hills with belties and Mr Fitch purchased some of my sketches a few years back to hand out to folks who came through Fearrington as they looked at new homes, etc. I did little note cards and packaged them in sets of 8 (2 each of 4 images) and if I had time, I'd try to do more for him--that place has such wonderful subject matter, doesn't it!? Your work is wonderful--I just love your style. I'm so glad I "found" you! Don't have a clue how I did, but glad, just the same!

Oh you have hit my heart with this phenomenal partridge in a pear tree watercolor. This is MY favorite one that you have done of all time. Why, I don't know, it just is!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours dear Laura!

joyous work!

Thanks very much, everybody! Casey, I drew the cow from life, but painted her the next day. Tami, your cows are lovely! Lori, I know what you mean, however, I think your sketches are amazing as they are. No doubt you'll feel more confident as you find your rhythm again. Marly, your comments are worth the price of admission (more, actually, since there is no admission charge on Laurelines.) Sandy, thank you so much. It looks like you've got a great thing going on your blog.

what a lovely centerpiece/display...and your record of it will be cherished by its creator, i'm sure!

I simply LOVE your work and look forward to it every day - (I try to emulate your light style)

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