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January 26, 2007


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Tell Ippy her drawing is wonderful!

Those Kremer paints are almost lush enough to persuade me to pick up a brush again! You've got some terrific saturation going with the clementines. I've heard granulating paints work better on NOT surfaces before.

Thanks to all my lovely enthusiasts! The Kremer paints aren't gouache, though they border on that opacity. I found that the rougher surfaces of soft and cold press worked better than the hot press paper I normally used. Also, both of those clementine sketches were done on 'extra white' paper, so I think that lent more brightness to the final product. I usually use Fabriano's 'natural white.'
I've known Ippy for over 15 years, though we've wandered in and out of each other's orbits, as friends tend to do. I'm so glad we're on parallel orbits now! Lin, the charcoal drawing is Ippy's and it is beautiful, I agree.

Laura!!! They are all wonderful! I think I would very much like to meet your friend Ippy -- I'll bet the two of you are quite the dynamic duo!
;-D The Kremer paints look very interesting -- are they watercolor or gouache? What an amazing RED (SO hard to get with other watercolors, I think...)
And, BTW, you've got me hooked on WN cobalt turquoise. I'm trying to figure out a way to convince my watercolor instructor that it is really a puddle of mixed blues, but don't think I'm going to be very successful with that little scheme. (You know how instructors are about sticking with their palette recommendations!)

I love the splattered paint. I should rename my blog "Splattered Paint."

But, I digress...wonderful pieces as always.

Re: Your drawing of your friend - If that is a quick drawing then I am absolutely floored by your skill. The face particularly is so well done. A quick 'person' drawing of mine barely looks human! ;o)
Re: The Mahonia painting - I was really taken with the clarity of the vase. You achieve such beauty with a limited palette.
Re: The Kremer paints - Wow. The colour is so intense and punchy. So different from the mahonia painting above.

As always...great work and a delightful post

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