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January 29, 2007


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Lovely painting. Your work just gets better and better.

Wow, thank you so much, you all. The interior sketch was really fun to do, especially the blinds, for some reason. Timothy and Claudia, thank you for coming to see Laurelines and for your very nice comment. Jana, I'm the Queen of Noses! How funny---I do try to concentrate on noses and mouths, you're right. I want to bring eyes up to the same level, but eyes have that annoying habit of looking slightly askew when you draw and paint them. Katherine, I'm relieved to have figured out that the poseur in question is the model and not the founder of Sketchcrawl ;D.

I just love that painting of an inside corner in your home. I wish I had something constructive to say about it artistically, but I haven't. I just know it's gorgeous and your work always makes me smile in admiration.

superb! i love your whole blog, the animal drawings are great. all of the watercolours are fantastic and i love your portraits.

i'll be popping back

This is a beautiful watercolor sketch. what more can I say?
It's filled with energy yet remains so simple and elegant... not busy. What a talent to be able to do that laura!
also love your profiles...

What a marvelous day you had!! I couldjust feel your excitment. Fantastic sketches!

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