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January 15, 2007


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Well,you may feel "it doesn't" here, but I love all of these. Your work is beautiful--it's reassuring to know that even someone with your talent doubts your own work sometimes. I love your style.

That top portrait is really beautiful. I love the way the lines fade as they go down her face. That nose is breath-taking!

just found your blog and your wonderful drawings! i have been drawing and painting faces for fun for many years. i have even made several hand made, stitched books filled with watercolor faces...i have been wanting to get back to painting them again and your blog entries remind me how much fun it is...great work. love your animal sketches, too.

Some days it works, some days it doesn't. I've always found looking at the art done by other people always helps me when in a funk - it might work for you.

Anyway tonight my "Drawing Heads" class starts upa gain and so I just need to decide before I get there whether I'm being Holbein or David Hockney!

Your frustrations sound a little bit like some of my recently deleted paragraphs - the equivalent of wadded-up pieces of paper. Some days everything comes together; other days more effort is required. I think you've done a great job with these but I know you are your own worst critic and expect perfection! :)

Hi, my wonderful commmenters---and thank you for your words of encouragement. It's so interesting to read what people respond to. I'm hoping that I'll loosen up more as the 101 Faces project progresses. If I were already at the point I want to reach, there'd be little point in continuing, right? And you know me---I'm all (well, mostly) about the process, trying to figure out the way, whatever the twists and turns. And,Anthony--- I find that the tight framing dicated by the small size of these pieces adds interest and a bit of an edge to the process of making them.

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