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April 23, 2007


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Such excitement for your family! And your Buddas are wonderful. BTW, I took photos of two fountains for you at Montreuil-sur-mer. Will post soon. xo

Laura, I've just clicked over to your site after many months absence to find your magnificent Asian sketches! I love them all, especially the regal dragon which I'm certain my students will love, too. In fact, I can't believe I've let this school year almost slip by without intoducing your splendid work. How negligent of me! Oh, but I do have tomorrow--and the next! (I can't recall when I last wrote with so many exclamation marks!)

Wow very pretty! Makes me wanna get off the computer and go outside LOLOL

Thank you for your comments, one and all! Am rushing off again but wanted to address a couple of questions--- Susan, I was only visiting NYC! I hope you and your daughter have a fabulous time!
Linda M, I'm having the reception catered, so no worries. Dee, will post photos, I promise. Katherine, I'm so envious of all your wonderful sketching and painting opportunities.

Laura! So much excitement and still you post your delightful w/c's. Dang girl, you make me look sOo bad. Well, ok, you're right I make me look so bad.
I'd forgotten that you're based in NYC where my married-last-September-graduating-this month DD and I are coming on saturday to visit my baby girl.
We've got 8 exciting hug, kiss, talk, explore, partake (yes, vino will be consumed) and snuggle together days ahead and we are all so excited we can hardly stand it!
Joanne has our itinery loosely planned but if you could share any art shops that should not be missed, or if you have any idea where I can find those japanese craft books (I know there's a shop downtown but can't remember where)I would be so grateful.
I wish you and your precious DD's an amazing month.
ps. our disappointment was our photographer make sure she/he knows every important shot!

I'm a buddha-seeking organism myself....Nice work!

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