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May 18, 2007


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new to your site. i cannot remember how i got here, but WOW!!! your gardens are wonderful!i was enjoying your artwork, and then I came to your garden photos! what a lucky day for me. Look forward to photos of side and front gardens. congratulations on the graduation and upcoming wedding (i love what someone above said "your gardens are what mine want to be.") me too.

Wow, I have SO much to catch up on I see. I have been so busy these past 4 weeks without time to even check out my favorite sites. Your lovely daughter is getting married in your home, you must be a perfect frazzle! I too am a perfectionist so I understand your plight. Your gardens are absolutely lovely and have really taken off since last year's planting. I would so love to be the butterfly on the flower watching this lovely day unfold. I know there is not one detail you will let slip by you and I am sure you have a list of "I should have done this or that had I more time, but wherever has it gone?" I too have a graduate this year, though from high school on June 10th, the last of our 4 children to leave high school behind. Congratulations to C on her graduation and to K on her upcoming wedding. I hope we'll see photos of the wedding. Not that I don't adore your work, however I love the real thing too! XOXOX Thinking of you in your haste to get everything just so? Did you put lovely fresh scented soaps out in the bathrooms? :) Ms. M

The garden looks lovely, and we have the same folding garden chairs, I see. My garden grew boisterously in my absence. Alas, so did the weeds.

Your gardens are beautiful. Hope everything goes well.. I LOVE, love, love your art.


Your gardens are beautiful. Hope everything goes well.. I LOVE, love, love your art.


Hi, everyone, and thanks, as always, for your fabulous comments! Those are roses on the trellis (Ballerina and New Dawn) and the topiaries in the center of each parterre are standard Blush roses. The rose in the foreground of one of the photos is Chuckles rose, one of my favorites. I've been to Giverny and felt I was in heaven there---it was truly one of the highlights of my life. This is a newly redesigned garden, so is really in its infancy, unfortunately for the timing of the wedding! But it will look filled out when the day comes, I'm confident. Thanks again, one and all!

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